Tuesday 1 October 2013

My fan repair log for KDK Stand Fan

What is the problem with this fan??

I turn it on and it will automatically turn off immediately.Is the timer spoilt? Has the timer changed to 1 sec duration? These are my frustrations when I was in my bedroom using my PC. Fortunately, my PC's fan is not spoil but it is spewing out hot air at 60 degrees Celsius lor. My room was unbearably hot forcing me to turn on my A/C.  However , there are times when I am just staying in the room for a short while and the aircon takes time to cool the room down.

I have these 2 fan buddies for some time already. I remember the first one was bought at the same time with my new house. This fan has been my steady wind buddy for almost 7 years. The second fan came in a few years later when I need more wind in different places at the same time. That is it ! The fan base has no wheels, enough of shifting here and there. I shall buy another one. It is also another KDK and so I enjoyed another couple of years full of wind till one day....

As usual, I turned on my fan . I was very sure the fan was turning , at least it was accelerating. Then I turn my back and sat down to use my PC. After a short while, I begin to feel hot. I feel no more breeze. ?? Why is it off? So I turn it again, and after a while it was off again. I found it strange .This condition persist till one day it deteriorates to a 1 second timer.

And so from that day , that fan was banished to the "Cold Palace" and the no2 was in favor again. I couldn't bear to throw away no1 as I know the motor is well and running.Only if I could connect the mains directly to the motor, I am fine with Speed 3 all the way..hahah! Nah I was too lazy to do that until no2 exhibit the same symptoms.I know it's end is near.And just last week , it went just like that. That is the last straw that broke the camel's back. I cannot stand having 2 white elephants at home and it is a pity to throw 2 fine motors away. I called KDK up and they charged $70 just to replace the PCB board. It is the half the cost of the fan. Crazy. So I went to research for repair solutions on the net but I found none on the KDK standing fan. However , I did find one similar though but it is ceiling fan. He replaced a capacitor and the fan was back working. So I thought ,let's try to change all the caps in my fan.

So let's begin.

Tools required: Soldering iron, short pc of flux, silicon sealant, a Phillips screwdriver and a new 0.68uF Film capacitor. A goot sucker will be nice to have.

Where to get: Sim Lim tower

For the capacitor : you can try this link also.

Steps to repair:

Step 1: Unplug the main power and dismantle the fan. Remove all the screws and buttons.

Step 2 : Pull out the PCB board casing and remove the cover.

So the faulty component is the largest black rectangular block shown in the picture above.

Step 3: Remove the faulty capacitor.
This is a 0.68uF Film capacitor

Desolder the pins at the back of the PCB board.

Step 4: Replace and solder in the new capacitor.

The new capacitor is the yellow one and the black is the one I have removed.

 Viola, it is done. On the board.

Step 5 : Add some silicon sealant at this area. As the pins are close to each other, it may short accidentally. Let the silicon cure fully to get the max insulating property.

Step 6 : Assemble the fan back. And you are done.

Closing: I hope this help everybody to save their fans from a premature death. It is really a waste to throw them out and dammed the KDK for using such a lousy component and charging so high for repair.

Disclaimer: The repair steps are just a guide and do it at your own risk. Please do practice safety when dealing with electrical parts. If you are not experienced in such stuff...just pay $70 to KDK Singapore to repair it. 


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. My kdk fan also spoiled dont know where to write for the help.
      It has only moing problem. Means that stick which helps tostop at one place is spoiled so how to where to buy that thing n what is the name of that stick that we pull up to stop the fan at one place ?

    2. Just use some cable tie or wire to round around it and Hor glue it instead. Spare part like this small ain't cheap or worth the effort to get.

    3. This same issue also happened to two of my KDK stand fans (Model M40KS) , I came across this blog and found that the symptoms almost matched exactly. I bought the capacitors from online store and followed the instructions to replace the caps, and now the fans are working normally again ! Thank you very much!

  2. many thanks for posting on fan capacitor replacement. the panasonic stand fan is currently acting somewhat like yours. speed 1 comes on and off the next second. speed 2 and 3 also the same. however, speed 2 under the "blink" air flow seems to work. all others like timer does not.
    i am tempted to try the capacitor replacement if that is the root cause.

    1. that is the symptom..it is a matter of time. Just change the capacitor.

    2. Thanks for the excellent guide. My fan is a Panasonic but it is identical to the KDK even the circuit board. The fan would turn off when the timer button is pressed. To be safe I replaced 2 capacitors - the 0.68uF and a 1000 uF 10V cylinder shape in the middle of the board. Total cost $1.85 for a working fan.

  3. I also encountered same problem. Then fan stop immediately after pressed any of the speed button. Can share how much is the capacitor per pc and from which shop so no need to search ard at Sim Lim Tower

    1. Capacitor is $1.5.
      Shop at b1 corner

    2. Kindly advise name of the shop and unit no. Thank you so much.

  4. this is just a mechanical ; i just want to clean fan blades, covers, and inside. i know how to remove the parts of the other brands. but having difficulty in removing the kdk fan swing lever clutch. any input much appreciated.

    1. Is it so difficult to open the fan cage????

    2. Thanks for the reply, that swinging lever knob removing technique is different to other brands.. KDK has a unique way to remove it.. its not fixed with a nut..

  5. Swinging lever knob...no idea which part you are referring to for the kdk stand fan. You mentioned you just want to clean the fan blades. My grandmother did it without a manual. Opened up and dismantle the fan...bring it to toilet and clean....assemble back

  6. I have a similar KDK fan which powers off by itself when I select OSCILLATE. I am really happy to find this blog post. I googled for the recommended capacitor, and found the recommended X2 capacitor to be out of stock, willPANASONIC - ECQ-UAAF684K - CAPACITOR FILM, 0.68UF, 10%, 275V, RAD do

    1. Jus get any brand capacitor with the same ratings will do. Sim lim tower still have .

    2. Hi Shrike, kindly advise name of the shop and unit no. Thank you so much.

  7. my fan is a bit of old one dismantling the blades for cleaning is not a problem, to open the motor cage need to remove this knob, as i mentioned, in other brands its fixed with a nut but this seems different

  8. Hi gee Muncie jayawardena, maybe you could post some images of your fan. And we will help you figure out how to open up the fan case.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. There is no facility to post an image here

  11. Dame good guide. Getting the capacitors just need to walk to other shops if one don't have. Most importantly is the 0.68uF. The voltage no issue. I took one rated 440v instead of 240v. Paid $3.50.

    1. It is ok to take a higher voltage.But not a LOWER one. Just for all your info. In my first attempt ,I had an exploded capacitor in the fan housing. I was changing the other caps cos i don't know which is faulty. There was a loud Piak sound and the burning smoke came out. Lucky only the cap burnt. The fan is still ok. I am quite i use the correct specs for the cap. So i am not so sure why it exploded. So becareful guys.better do a run in and closely monitor for an hour before release for normal usage.haha

  12. I bought 0.47uf 275v capacitor by mistake, can that be used?

    1. No.the capacitance affects The current flow to motor. It may result in overheating of the motor

  13. Gee munige jayawarderna's fan looks like https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-KUzSV2GLDts/UwbptKdExRE/AAAAAAAAABE/NHqT49yWfeU/s0-w256-c-d-h256-n-k/HangoutGeeMunigeJayawardena

  14. Do you know how to access the PCB of N30NH?
    This is the compact/smaller fan version.

  15. Shrike, i am inexperience in doing replacement of capacitor, I have KDK fan, can you do for me, i will pay you labour charge.

  16. my email is keppelgroup@gmail.com

  17. If you are willing to pay...go kdk singapore and do lor.$70.
    I also will charge $70...so diy is cheaper la hehe

  18. Yo, shrike!

    Thank you very much for yr step-by-step instructions on how to repair the M40KS. Nearly bought it to distributor for repairs till I chanced on yr blog, followed what u did - except for the silicon sealant part - and, walla, a perfectly functioning M40KS! Cheers, bro!

  19. Hi guys..is there any way to chk if capacitor is problem?. My fan stop middle of night. Its less than year old. I chked..the current us reaching till coil/windings. But no current at neutral? Can this be capacity problem?

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Wow... it really worked!

    Anyone interested in the 68uf 275V capacitor? Have a few spares.

    Email at gnt888.8@gmail.com

    1. Kindly call me @9797 1356, need to purchase two pieces from you.
      Thank you so much.

  22. Thank you very much for the very useful repair information. I change the 0.68uF capacitor and the fan now works on Speed 2 and Speed 3!
    But on Speed 1, the fan comes on only momentarily, then it goes off. Same problem as before.
    Do you by any chance know which other component should be changed to get the fan to also work on Speed 1?

  23. Very much appreciate your infor, just got the 0.68 uF film capacitor from Sim Lim Square at $3.00 and fix my KDK fan that is having auto-stop issue.

  24. Since I could not thow away such an expensive fan, I was almost carrying my fan to KDK service centre. They told us it will be around SGD70, While I was checking KDK service centre address and noticed your blog .In fact, I've ever dismatled halfway before and gave up. After reading your detailed procedure, I gave a try and it worked. Your knowledge sharing is helping a lot of people. Thank you very much. I hope KDK has resolved this issue to eliminate its customers misery.

  25. thanks for all the tips.
    My KDK fan also died on me and have the same problem. I can get the capacitor from Sim Lim but I know nothing about soldering so I may have to find someone or someplace who can do the soldering and I pay them labor charge. Are there any place where they do soldering

  26. Perhaps arrange for group soldering services for a reasonable rates...maybe poly or ite student who in mechanical or electrical course

  27. Learn soldering yourself...go search youtube

  28. thanks for the guide, successfully bought and fix 2 fans myself.

  29. Thanks for the info, I hope, my fan problem should be same, will try to fix the same as per above your steps.

  30. Wow! Thank goodness i found this fantastic bog of yours. I am about to throw away my 6 years old KDK stand fan as it is into the "1 sec" auto off zone.

    I will go out and find the 0.68uF capacitor now.

  31. Wow! Thank goodness i found this fantastic bog of yours. I am about to throw away my 6 years old KDK stand fan as it is into the "1 sec" auto off zone.

    I will go out and find the 0.68uF capacitor now.

  32. Hi. Thanks for the blog helped a lot. With regards to the removing of kdk oscillating knob, simply pull hard upwards. Also, seems like many shops in sim lim tower no longer have the correct capacitor, i eventually had to settle for 250v rather than 275 v, it works but not sure if got any long term problems. Other than my own fan i also managed to find a kdk fan in the trash with the exact same problem and repaired and now have 2 perfect fans. Also for soldering noobs like me, rather than desoldering and spoiling the board, simply cut at the legs of the old capacitor and solder new one onto the legs of the old one,makes life much easier. Also i think this fix is pretty exclusive for this model, other models don't seem to have the kind of capacitor like my wall fan.

  33. Thanks to this blog, my KDK-T30SL fan keeps on spinning! Managed to get exact capacitor ratings from Sim Lim Tower (Basement). I changed 2 capacitors.. .68uF and another .033uF at 275V. Fix Cost... $4.50. Actual cost is more cause I had to buy a security torx screwdriver to get access to the circuit board. Thanks again for this blog!

    1. Hi g. Daddy, kindly advise name of the shop and unit no for purchase the capacitor. Thans so much for your help.

  34. Dear all, kindly advise the name of the shop and unit number at sim lim to purchase the capacity ? Thank you so much for help .

    1. Either space electronics at B1, here you can only get 250 V 0.68 uF but it does the job

      If you want the one shown in the pictures, go to B1 corner shop. First shop from the side entrance facing rochor centre( not main entrance) . Its usually the one thats quite crowded. Go to the capacitor racks and look for what you want. Do note it costs $3 now. I have a few extra also , if you want email me at jmathew1108@gmail.com. Thanks

  35. For those interested in trying to repair other models, here's a list of models I've tried and had success. ...

    Kdk stand fan - A40HS,A40KS,M40KS,N40HS,N30NH,PL30H
    Panasonic stand fan - F400KS,F400HS,F408HS,F409KS
    All of the above use same 0.68 uF capacitor

    KDK wall - P40MS,M40MS

    The wall fans use a 1.0uF 275 v capacitor so slightly different from the others
    Every fan is different and pose they're own challenges, eg some of them have switches in the base buy all are fixable as long as you have a screwdriver, cutter,solder and soldering iron. Also instead of silicon, u can actually use blu tack as an insulator.

    1. Hi I have a PL30H, I don't see the 0.68uF capacitor
      Is it the one label as IEC60384-14ii ? I also see 684 in the surface of capacitor. But i am not sure if it is the LE684 shown in here https://www.elektronik.ropla.eu/pdf/le.pdf

  36. If anyone needs help with the repair,feel free to email me at jmathew1108@gmail.com. I have a some extra capacitors left and can help you repair at a small fee

  37. http://www.aliexpress.com/item/Free-Shippping-one-lot-X2-safety-capacitor-0-68uF-275VAC-K-10PCS/1625726144.html

    change another today.

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  39. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  40. Still savinng fans 3 years on. Thanks for the guide bro!

  41. Thanks to this blog. I fixed my A40KS KDK fan. Thanks.

  42. Glad to discover this blog. Thank you. Invested about $23 for the necessary tools to do the work. The new capacitor cost $3. Once again thank you. Cheers.

  43. A few tips I've realised after fixing a few fans.

    1. This repair is not permanent, it will fail again. Mine did after about 1 year. So putting the silicon is not recommended as it will hamper future repairs. It works fine without silicon

    2. The material of the capacitor matters. The one used by kdk and shown in the blog are both polyester film capacitor which are vulnerable to failure through temperature. So if you want it to last longer get the metallised film capacitor instead. It's red in colour usually and smaller in size but does the same job

  44. My panasonic f-408hs have ON lights, but no motion. Any idea can do the same capacitor change or another issue? Lim

    1. [update] I asked a guy found on Carousell to fix it. He recognised the issue immediately and the lights ON without movement, and changed a thermal fuse (2A likely?). I suppose it is together with the copper coiling (head unit, not buttons unit). He took about 20mins.

  45. Hi I have a PL30H, I don't see the 0.68uF capacitor
    Is it the one label as IEC60384-14ii ? I also see 684 in the surface of capacitor. But i am not sure if it is the LE684 shown in here https://www.elektronik.ropla.eu/pdf/le.pdf

    1. I also having the same problem so did you managed to fixed your Fan. Can share the procedure if you had scucceeded. Thanks

  46. Thanks for the blog helped a lot. With regards to the removing of kdk oscillating knob, simply pull hard upwards. kdk ceiling fan

  47. I have a PL30H , however the problem I had is a bit different. The blade will auto rotate slowly with a humming sound when the main power is on ,while the fan on/off switch is yet to switch on. Anyone able to help with this?

  48. I must say big thank you to the writer for this hint. I got one KDK wall fan that went off by itself after it was turned on. Managed to fix it by following the step-by-step instructions. However I will not be getting any KDK fans in the future. It is the priciest of all and this type of problems should not be there in the first place. I can get 2 to 3 fans of other brand with a price of one KDK wall fan.

  49. I have P40US standing fan suddenly stop spinning at all after usual cleaning the blades and cage. Took the hassle to change the 1.5uF Capacitor without soldering for testing first but it did not work. I guess the motor was burned. Any experience like this?

  50. Thanks a lot for the detailed step by step instructions for the KDK pedestal fan. I repaired mine. Do you have similar instructions for KDK ceiling fan? Mine is stuck on one speed, does not respond to remote and makes a humming sound. Thanks in adveance

  51. I stay in Cambodia, I was looking for KDK service center over two hours , but didn't find , suddenly search on the internet.. wow working when I finished.

  52. My KDK stand fan has power but it does not turn. I replaced the 0.68 uF but still the same issue. Could it be the thermal fuse? How to locate the thermal fuse? Appreciate any help. Thanks

  53. Possible to be thermal fuse, it is located under the copper coil at the rotating motor. 2A fuse may be correct.

  54. I got 2 units KDK 16“wall fan (model KC4GR)cant funtion,remote on about 2 sec automatic cut off power,is pcb board problem?? how to repair it? because this 2 fans motor still good contition

  55. i dun think it's wise to add silicone sealant to the pins as it may contain acid to corrode the pins in long run...

    post any questions here for speedy replies from experts in hardwarezone SG:

  56. I have a PL30H. I could not find out 0.68uF capacitor. Could I use 1.0uF capacitor instead?

  57. My KDK wall fan model M40MS all 3 speed motion are almost at lowest speed. Is it the capacitor problem and what is the capacitor rating. I dismantled to checked the capacitor are blown colour type w/o label. Is it non polarity type? Pls advise. Thank you.

  58. Great site with lots of nice people. very, very helpful.You are all appreciated.

  59. This comment has been removed by the author.

  60. Great advice and many thanks! Also solved the same problem om my KDK box fan after replacing similar 0.82uf capacitor.

  61. All the information about Refrigator repairing services are very helpfull for me.this is sach a nice post i am thank full for

    providind me all services information Aircon servicing

  62. Last time it failed, it cost me $50 to replace the PCB. This time, the $1.50 ) 680nF fix was brilliant. Thanks.

  63. found yr blog most useful n will try the repair suggested on 2 of kdk standing fans. recently the rc stop working n turns our there were some sort of fluid in the rc pcb contact which once clean with contact cleaner works fine again

  64. I got KDK stand fan model N40HS which i on to no 1-3 theres a normal light but the blade not spinning? Anh advise kn this. Tq

    1. Either thermal fuse blown or maybe connector between pcb and motor may have come loose

  65. pls how i can buy KDK PL30H circuit board by on line

  66. Where to buy 1.0uF 500vac poly capacitor for KDK A30AS?
    Can it be replaced by 1.0uF 630vac?

  67. I chang cap but not power on

  68. Hi , I am seeking guidance and advice on repairing this KDK P40US fan of mine. At first, no movement when plug in power . Then i changed thermal fuse . After this done , fan hums when plug in power. Then when use hand push , the fan will spin normally. So I change the capacitor too . But capacitor labelling faded , changed a few sizes still cannot turn by itself
